WTH: Full Text Search for lists

It would be incredibly practical if the search in the individual lists were a full text search.

I search for Bedroom Lights and find Bedroom Lights.
I search for Lights Bedroom and find nothing.

Entity AP Bedroom Nano State
When I search for bedroom state I find nothing.

A delicate topic. Some time ago a search was a bit more “fuzzy” and it gave many undesired results. Even currently I find needed entities in the end of a list (after tons of unrelated entries) although define a very very close criteria.

Maybe a checkbox for “Extra Fuzzy” or some punctuation ~ Lights Bedroom?

Can you give me an example?
I don’t mean that in a bad way, I just can’t imagine it. Either the search term was wrong or the search made a mistake?

According to the motto, the normal search as it is now. And if I press the fuzzy checkbox, then it searches “more” ?

I have no idea how to enter this character ~ on my keyboard…

Sorry, no ready example. But face it rather often. I usually try inputting an exact entity_id (they follow some schema so I usually know an exact entity_id) but sometimes in a hurry I type smth looking like a name and get weird results in some cases.

I have problems like this very often.

Search for bedroom contact

But it was bedroom door contact

I also try to follow my pattern. But I can’t remember all the names exactly.

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