WTH Groups: See individual states of entities inside Group

So, we have the groups inside the helpers now. That’s really great, to have a ‘motion sensor’ group, with a bunch of motion sensors inside of it.

Shouldn’t it be great, if you click that group, that de ‘details’ not only show the history. But also the individual entities inside it with their states? So when you see the motion group is on, which motion sensor is responsible for it?

Now we get:

I’ve setup some custom views for this with the ‘auto-entities’ hacs integration. So all entities in the group, are shown inside the glance card. It should be great if we had something similiar out of the box on clicking to the details of a group:

To expand a bit on this as well.
If a group would then be used as a trigger in an automation, it would be great if the triggering entity was something that could be access with a template in that automation.

 - alias: notify_on_motion
   - platform: state
     entity_id: group.motion_sensors
  - service: notify.mobile_notify
      title: "Motion detected at {{ trigger.entity_id.name }}"
      message: "time to hide"