WTH - HA Cloud shows all logins as

I just got a couple of warnings regarding invalid authentication and potential malicious paths.

Looking up the logs on my proxy, I realized that the connection did not go through it. Then I found a shit ton of topics regarding the “caveat” section: Remote UI

I take security very seriously, and not being able to see who the fuck tried to break into my virtual home gave me a major turn off for the next year of my HA cloud subscription. If this is not fixed soon enough, the only option is just to expose HA through my own proxy instead of monkeying around with HA cloud.

Getting some real “we don’t give a crap about security” vibes from this long standing issue as well: HassOS Console Password

These are MAJOR security design flaws.

Mind your language, or you’ll end up with a ban. Please edit your post.


FYI there’s no rule against swearing :wink:


I was very heated after my initial investigation, although I doubt anyone else would feel any different if their virtual home was “under attack”.

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I’m offended.


I beg to differ. It is against the rules to indulge " Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting "

Swearing is reasonably considered inappropriate in a professional setting.

Buddy, stop crying and being an online justice warrior. We’re all grown ups, we swear sometimes, that’s life. Go spam someone else’s thread.

Hey hey, let’s all behave.

@TurfFiber - your level of profanity is acceptable, just be more aware of how it comes across in the future.

If cussing was a huge no-no, I’d be screwed. :grimacing:


I feel like marking your reply as the solution, but then we’d be derailing the real issue at hand, so let’s just get back to it. Thanks for de-escalating though.

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