WTH - Helper names and automation search improvement/suggestion

WTH - Hopefully I’m doing this right. Some helpers have different names from when you create them.

Drop-Down Helpers are call input_select.
Toggle Helpers are called input_boolean.

You cannot search for drop-down or even helper when you want to make a Trigger. It gets weirder when you try to create an Action. Nothing shows up for drop-down and helper shows input_boolean, but we know it’s select. When you search for select you get different kinds of selects listed and I think it’d be hard for newer people to know which to use. I think these should be consistent across the board.

Drop-down Helpers could be input_drop_down.
Toggle Helpers could be input_toggle.

To piggy back off that, I think if you put an entity’s friendly name or ID into a search while creating an automation it should show you only options you can use with that entity/helper.

I was about to post the same one. :wink:
So I didn’t and vote for your!

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