I come from this github post( Use FQDN hostnames when clicking the `Visit` button from the Shelly device panel · Issue #134337 · home-assistant/core · GitHub ) where I mentioned that the Shelly Add-on resolves the hostname after you configured a device. This is especially driving me mad when talking about https certificates and IPv6 (which is either not supported now or a pain in the ass itself to implement but that is another topic). I have been made aware of the fact that this might be better here since other add-ons might do this as well.
So, what is my goal exactly?
If you configure a device via any add-on and you use the hostname: The system should always use the hostname when communicating with the device.
If you use an IP address when configuring a device: The system should always use the IP when communicating with that device.
And not doing some weird switching in resolving hostnames or IP addresses and using the other instead. It’s just basic networking. And the system shouldn’t decide for me what to use. It can however suggest to use something, but not decide. Since it might be my intention to use one of both for a specific reason.
Use case: Primarily for me is to use the little visit button on the device info page which redirects me in my browser directly to the web frontend of the device. I will have a look in using webhooks to update the https cert since a user and password on just http is no good. And it would be really great if at least that button uses the hostname (or even the FQDN) I configured.