WTH I cannot limit a scene to be activated only from specific voice assistants

I have created a scene for the bed room and assigned it to the bed room. However, it is possible to activate this scene via the voice assistant which is assigned to the kitchen.

For some scenes, I want a scene to be activated only from voice assistants in the same room.

This is possible now using an automation.

First, unexpose the scene entity from the voice assistant so that the built-in intents won’t work on it. Then, set up an automation with an appropriate Sentence trigger and a template condition using the trigger.device_id variable.

alias: Bedroom scene
description: ""
  - trigger: conversation
    command: turn on bedroom scene
conditions: []
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: |
          {{ trigger.device_id is not none and area_name(trigger.device_id) in ['Bedroom'] }}
      - action: scene.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          transition: 1
          entity_id: scene.bedroom
      - delay:
          milliseconds: 500 
      - set_conversation_response: Scene activated
      - set_conversation_response: That scene is not accessible from this device.
mode: single

Wanted to implement this April this year. Unfortunately my multiple requests remain unanswered ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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In case fallback to LLM is enabled, how can I do on “else” branch to “fail” so that the initial text (e.g.: “turn on bedroom scene”) is sent to LLM based on the fallback mechanism ?