WTH I can't display different entities in one tile card?

For some advanced reasons that I am not going to explain, my thermostat control is not good enough, so I have a complicated thermostat automation that is doing magic for me.
This automation requires a input_number value as my thermostat setpoint, I can’t use the official one of the Tado integration (the real thermostat setpoint is automatically adjusted by the automation)

Now, I have 3 thermostats in the house, I want to have 3 tile cards in my dashboard and be able to see the temperature of the room AND set the input _number for the temperature setpoint.

WTH is this not possible in one tile card and I need two cards nearby one to display the temperature and one for setting the value?

This can be extended in a generic, what is it blocking to show different entities and attributes in one tile card?

Another usecase to (generally) show different entity values in one card:

Example one:

Thermostat helper combines a room thermostat with a smart breaker for an IR heating element.

So far, so good - but now i’d also love to display the currently used power in that same card. And no, i don’t want to install a $whatevercardtheme from HACS.

Example two:

Smart lightbulb above a desk, can be controlled (on/off/last, color, brightness). Now, we use it in the “turn on/off, as was the last state” mode because we switch it via a smart switch that is hidden behind our normal light switch installation in the wall.

Using the “tile” tile, i cannot have the switch state as the bulb state - the bulb state, of course, is always on. Do not want.