WTH, I can't tell HA which network interface(s) to advertise the mDNS domain on/which is default

If I’ve got multiple network interfaces set up, VLAN or native, I can’t tell Home Assistant to not advertise mDNS on specific ones, nor can I change the default network interface.
I’d love to be able to enable/disable advertisements on some interfaces, because I’ve got a mDNS reflector set up, but that’s broken if H-A is advertising everywhere.

If you go to Settings → System → Network, go to the bottom to the Network adapter section. Uncheck the Auto Configure, and then you can choose which network interfaces are there.

If you don’t see that, you need to enable Advanced Mode as per Network configuration - Home Assistant

I actually had the same question recently, and thought that it’d show both of my interfaces, but by experiment if I unchecked Auto Configure, I then saw both adapters finally, and could check/uncheck separate ones.