Is the automation on, and does manually triggering it work? Go to developer tools > states, click on the info icon next to the automation entity ID, and click EXECUTE. Alternatively, go to developer tools > services and manually trigger the automation with the automation.trigger service. Check for errors in the log related to the automation too.
If manually triggering it works, is the entity ID in the trigger correct?
So a reason for numeric state not to work, might be caused by the actual contents of the state not being a number (or not being able to parse it as a number).
What is the exact contents of the state for this sensor? For example, does the state itself contain a currency symbol?
You can check this via the developer tools -> states.
Execute from dev tools runs all-the-way through and sends me the notification regardless of the sate of the sensor. I don’t see anything in the log related to the automation after triggering it manually.
If you really want to know what’s going on, add this to your config:
default: info
homeassistant.core: debug
Then restart HA. That will add log messages to home-assistant.log for every state change in the system. Then you can search for state_changed events for sensor.lz_houston_price_now. Then you’ll absolutely know what it’s doing, or not doing. The log will also show whenever an automation is triggered.
You may be able to use the Logbook, but I’m not sure there will be enough detail there. I almost never use that, especially when home-assistant.log has all the detail I usually ever need.