WTH is Home Assistant only taking pause to listen every 2 years?

I have almost no complaints with Home Assistant. I love it, it doesn’t always work perfectly but nothing does, and frankly, for a free application basically, it does a great job overall, and most of the issues I experience extend to the devices themselves or to issues with settings I have wrong.

That said, in the blurb you have about being open to people’s thoughts you say that every two years you take pause to listen to the issues people experience.

I think the way that is worded kind of smells of a bit of arrogance and I don’t like it. Regardless of how you set up your feedback mechanisms, people don’t just experience them in 2 year increments so I might suggest that you remain open to feedback year round or, assuming you are, that you consider reword because your communication practices may need a bit of tweaking.

Other than that, keep up the good job, and don’t let it all go to your head. Astronomer, Carl Sagan highlights our importance in this world very well in the Pale Blue Dot 5-minute video. Might be a good idea to YouTube it if you haven’t seen it already. :slight_smile:

There’s always hundred times more feedback, wishes and ideas than what’s ever possible to implement. Having those WTH moments more often would not really affect anything.

And seriously, if your reaction to that announcement was “smells of a bit of arrogance”, I think that’s on you.


You’re missing the fact they accept feedback all the time and accept change requests and frs all the time.

WTH is just one consolidated focused view. Not the only view.

Trust me plenty of folks send feedback all the time and it’s even taken and acted on… Heck don’t trust me go look through github at all the frs. The biggest problem is bandwidth to handle all the asks.


Feature Requests is open 24/7 for core

Feature requests for the frontend is open 24/7

Creating an issue on GitHub is open 24/4

If WTH was open 24/7 it would be identical to feature requests. No point in having the same system twice. WTH is nice to have periodically because it’s a clean slate. We get a good idea for what users want right now.