WTH is it not possible to use a dynamic URL in Webpage Card configuration?

Why is it not possible to set a dynamic URL in Webpage Card (iFrame) configuration? It would be nice to automatically construct the URL based on the current time and display the public transit schedule from 9292.nl as a webpage.

Also, a refresh rate limit would be fair with such an addition.

I am referring to the “Webpage” card, which is an iFrame. Currently, only a fixed URL can be set as the iFrame source, not a dynamic URL.

I am not trying to extract a variable from a URL.

Do you mean the ability to use templates in the URL of an iframe?

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Exactly! For example, the following templated URL in an iFrame would save time by auto-filling source, destination and time information and display the up to date public transit schedule:

{{ 'https://9292.nl/reisadvies/station-eindhoven/eindhoven_abcd-12/vertrek/' + now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M') + '?extraInterchangeTime=0&flexStop=True&flexAddress=False' }}