WTH is it so difficult to check the weather forecast in an automation?

I’ve done this using the get forecasts action. Then you need to iterate over the data. Convert local time to utc. Oh, string compare vs date time compare. Etc etc. hours wasted and it’s still a complicated mess to re-use.

There should be a simple get_forecast_at service. We supply a time/date. It returns the forecast for that period. Ideally it’s smart and if a request is for 11:25 it knows which data to return (I’d say the 11:00 forecast). If a date is supplied with no time, then the day’s forecast.

I’d even go further maybe and say it’d be really great to just return one attribute of that easily, like get_temperature_at for example.

+1 (Or more) for this one! It used to be so simply and whilst I get that the change earlier this year brings more flexibility, it also makes doing the most common and simple things that people are likely to use forecasts for so much more difficult!

By all means keep the new system, but add some simple interfaces as well.