WTH is it so difficult to view long term statistics?

Would be nice if long term statistics can be easily accessed by clicking the entity (i.e. Info tab) or via the History integration page.

Now I have to make a Statistics entity on one of my dashboards, just to view the long term stats.

Isn’t this what you are looking for?

No, this is only the normal history.
Would like to view the long term statistics (min, max, average) in an easy way.

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To be clear, this is not about the graphs or viewing so much, as it is about giving entities attributes populated from long term stats like max, min, average so that you can use or view them.


This might be a way to implement this. In the end, at least for me, is should be very easy to show long term stats within a graph. Just as easy as the normal history graphs.

Wait, is there a way to make long term statistics? I now have a second database using influx for long term stats. How do you use the standard one for long term statistics?

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See Release notes from 2021.8

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Or maybe it is actually about viewing them. For regular history there are logbook and history sections. The only way to show long term statistics is to create widget on a dashboard and set its parameters. It would be nice to have history-like page for them or include them on the history somehow.


Agree. It would (for me) skip the need of some InfluxDB / grafana integration. Would also make sense, because the data is already present in de HA database.


What I need is being able to open what is essentially a « one-time statistics graph card » for any entity with statistics, either when clicking on the corresponding row of the statistics developer tools page (instead of the normal more-info card currently popping up) or as a tab in the more-info card, or as another link besides the « see more ».

Contrary to @tom_l, my understanding is that the OP @jjansen85 also wanted that. If so, I’ll upvote and if not I’ll open my own WTH.

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Another possibility would be to have a « statistics » pane which would behave like the “history” pane (with a similarly cool entity/area/device selector but restricting to entities that have long-term statistics) but populating a statistics graph card instead of an history graph card.

Or maybe just some toggle or checkbox in the history pane UI so switch between “normal history” and “long-term statistics” ?

Side-note: discourse keeps “sanitizing” my non-breakable spaces into breakable ones which is kind of annoying.


Correct, your description is in line with my WTH :slight_smile:

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at a minimum, It would certainly improve the UX and streamline things that when statistics are available for an entity:

  • That the entity pop-up Info tab gives a show more link to a statistics graph pop up page, or has a new tab for statistics.
  • The history page for an entity, gave an indication/link that more data is available as statistics, and gives some option for showing it.

It would be nice to have a statistics browser page similar to the /history page.

There is a longer term WTH – Why is history and statistics separate for numerical data? (I understand why, but in the long run does this make sense to users?

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i agree
it would be nice to have a history panel concept where you can pick a time period and see the state of my temperature sensors from 4 months ago.
now you have to change your lovelace card to see longer history and you have a lot of unnecessary data to filter through.

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While that’s not what this WTH is about, that’s what my WTH was about - WTH can't I access the stored statistics data in my automations and templates?

(and in hindsight it applies to both history and statistics)

This is exactly what I would want, also a toggle to enable it for that sensor if possible via the UI, have not yet even figured out how to enable long term statistics (I know there are guides just to little time in my life right now to actually understand it all and make it work).

But it would be super awesome to have,

Toggle to enable long term statistics for entities that supports it.
Toggle in the history view to change between normal and long term history / statistics.


What is a use of a statistics if it may be NOT a long-term?
Check this issue.
This is a statistics card for 180 days - which only shows data for 10 days:
Cannot call it a “long-term” (((

Check the newest version of the plotly card in HACS, it allows you to fully tweak your card, zoom in/out, auto ranges, fixed range/grouping periods etc …

It used to work only on short term recorder data but the latest version also supports LTS

Hi to everyone!
I registered only to write a comment in this thread.

2022.11 is a big update but now entity card become a piece of crap.
Thank you guys! (sarcasm)

I would prefer to see the exact data points or have an ability to switch to old style graphs…


Sorry to reopen this subject
Were there any news about this ?

I would really like to easily access LTS “exactly” like the Historical view, filtering the entity/device without having to create a dashboard and a stats card with fixed entities, or even access LTS from historical view

UPDATE 1 DAY LATER : After some searching I discovered the history-explorer-card on HACS that can use LTS and replace the history panel, works very well !