WTH is it so hard to copy & paste from error log popups in FireFox?

When you click on an error log and try and copy text from the popup to GOOGLE a solution, the highlight keeps disengaging unless you play a game of super slow steady mouse.

A nice little copy button would be useful to transfer the error to a Google search.

+1 annoys me a lot as well

Yes, drives me mad at times!

I’m thinking this is browser related. I just did this with no issue on the configuration/logs page. What browser are you using? What logs are you referring to?

Firefox on OSX mainly, and a bit on Win10, any popup when clicking on a log entry on the Logs page.

Ha! Hadn’t noticed this as I use several browsers daily but can confirm issue seems to be FF related.
Logs were just HA logs at /configuration/logs

Chrome seems to be quite useable, Opera too

How about not only adding the easier ‘copy error’ button in UI, but also “google for solution” and redirect the error message to google? :wink:

Nice idea but [shocking truth follows] not everyone uses Google to search.

I’m going to change the title then, seems to be firefox related.