WTH is not possible to copy/duplicate Helpers via UI

Quite self-explanatory, in the UI there is an option to duplicate an Automation, but there is no option to duplicate a Helper.

This could come in handy when one has to create several similar helpers with slightly different names / details (thinking about dropdowns for example).

So it’s almost 2024 and this isn’t possible yet?

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Adding a vote / follow to this since I’ve started creating more automations and using the various helpers for that.


Seriously, how is this not a thing?

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Is there a way to find the .yaml behind the helpers and do the work in there? This is just plain silly when there’s a whole new system of helpers needed. I need a helper to track the life of 20+ battery-powered devices.

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How is it still a thing that people cant do a Google search?! Recreate it in yaml then copy/paste. Go locate it in the file system and copy/paste from there… Either way is far easier than complaining and waiting for someone else to make it even easier for you all.

Maybe the group can get together and collaborate on making this a UI feature! Its an open source community and cant function if people only take and expect from it without giving anything back.

Dude, there is a specific WTH tag for feature requests, this is the reason for this post.

WTH’s have been closed since October 2022. These discussions should be taking place in Feature Requests.

But you are welcome to ignore me and continue on here.