I like editing my YAML in the GUI, where it shows the “final result” on the right-hand side. But the area to edit YAML is so skinny, half the time I can’t see all my code and have to keep scrolling to the right! Why can’t I make this window bigger so I can see what I’m doing??
Have you tried tapping on a window title?
well, you do have an option to double-click on title and editor goes wider, but i agree that it’s still “odd”. Editor should be fullscreen (wide), and preview perhaps on the bottom, instead on the right side, where it’s too narrow so you can’t really see full result of your work until you press “save”.
Also - having two options: “save” (keeping editor opened) and “save&close” would be ideal.
you can double-click to enlarge the window, but the larger view should be standard without additional clicks!
quick win! +1
great tip, thank you.
But not obvious or easy to find…
This is true. I found it by accident wondering if the cards expanded like other pop-up history cards.
Maybe we need an expand icon up there somewhere.
Ability to collapse the preview pane could also help.
I also found this accidentally, in some random video on youtube, and I agree - the default should be wide (maybe the toggle should be visible using a button, or remove the narrow option).
It also does not work in some windows - I started using the UI to create helpers (variables etc) and when creating or editing them, I can’t make it wide (annoying for template helpers which can have “wide” code snippets)
Tried to add this once and got from review. I think the intention is probably to remove or defeature this at some point.
I feel like it’s even worse in the Template Editor… the sizes of the two elements are always jumping around:
If you use new lines in the editor the keep it more legible, you don’t get full page width use:
The less width you use in the editor, the more it shrinks on the page:
Even putting it on one line (making it nearly unreadable) doesn’t always use the full page width:
But going too far pushes the results element partially off the page.
Hope I will finish this PR.
No way. Expanding pop-up cards is incredibly useful. There will be a loud noisy rabble if that happens.
Where do you do this?
Double-click has no effect for me on Firefox
it is a single click.
Works at least in Chrome+Win, FF+Win
On the window title, and as noted it is only a single click.
This got my vote
Although the solution is already available - click the window title to expand - I do think that the expanded state should be the default. Also, the option to hide the preview section would solve some problems when using small screens where expanding wouldn’t help much anyway.
I had no idea this was a thing. Very not-obvious. Thank you! (But yeah the expanded view should be default. Or have a little “expand” icon so people know they can expand it!)
It sounds like the simple fix for this is to add an icon to that top bar to indicate that it can be used to expand the window.
Realistically, I would love a much more complicated fix, and that would be for HA to use resizable windows in many places. There are so many times when I find that one portion or another of one window or another isn’t big enough for what I need, and I would just like to make a different portion narrower or take up less space so that I can get more space the one I need.
I totally agree… the window needs to be bigger
Yes! an icon like this one here in the forum would be very helpful: