WTH is the "ON THIS PAGE" (Table of Contents / section index) for integrations documentation not on the top of the page for mobile browser?

Why is the “ON THIS PAGE” (section index, i.e. the Table of Contents / TOC) for integration documentations not on the top of the page for mobile browser (preferably in a collapsed menu?)?

That “On this page” only on-top when viewing in a desktop web browser so when browsing integrations documentation on a mobile phone you have to scroll to the bottom of pace to find the section index.

View for example the ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation) integration in Chrome browser on mobile phone:

Normally a TOC (Table of Contents) like the “ON THIS PAGE” index would be listed at the top, (ie. in the beginning/start) of a page for both mobile and desktop web browsers, but currently it is not, see:

Not having the “On this page” index at the very top makes it harder to read integration documentation with many sections. Or rather it makes it hard to find a specific section when bringing up integration documentation on a smartphone display.

Note that this applies to the documentation for all integrations but is especially a problem when trying to find the TOC index for integrations with longer documentation, like example matter, zwave_js, and zha.

WTH indeed. WTH indeed

It should be a hamberger menu in the upper left corner that pops out to the side when you click it (or something like that).

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FYI, also reported this issue on GitHub almost a year ago but it was mistakenly assigned to ZHA devs:

Can maybe Assignees and Labels be removed from that issue tracker it is a global website issue (for the whole integration section) and not really specific to any integrations that can be singled out?