WTH is the upgrade announcement US-centric?

Why is this…

so US-centric?

What time is this in my area?
Why give two US time zones and no others?
Why not use the internationally approved method of providing times to an international audience in GMT?

How on earth are the potatoes going to know what time they will be called upon for their services?

Yes, this is a tongue in cheek post with a serious undertone.

But hey it’ll be an easy one to fix and a plus one to the list of WTHs that are solved.

I’m pretty sure CET is Central European Time, as if it was US it would have been CT.


Good point, I think you’re right,
But no less confusing or more helpful if you’re not in those areas!

imo it’s ok as long as time zone is given.
Kudos to an author provided time in CET .

The best way is to display this time in a local timezone for each reader. But I assume the forum doesn’t have such a feature

Y’all are gonna give @MissyQ a heart attack.


In an effort to reduce character count, I often just shorten the time zones. In fact, most times I just do PT instead of Pacific.

Just to clarify for those who may not be familiar with North American time zones, Pacific and Central are 2 hours apart - not 9. :wink:

Closing this as By Design, Matthew already explained why. :joy: