WTH is there a way to know which topics were chosen for development?

I am mostly curious, and also want to manage my own expectations and excitement.
Is there an announcement or blog or something that has mentioned which of the WTHs are going to be addressed?
I understand that votes alone isn’t the deciding factor.
I guess I could wait till the next release, but I can’t contain my excitement anymore :laughing:

You might be waiting a while longer than the next release.

WTH ideas that the devs take on board wont all be in the next release, they will be released over the next year as time and effort allows.

I assume there will probably be a wrap-up blog post though.

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Thanks @tom_l :raised_hands:t2:
That is a good way to manage my expectations! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you track the GitHub repo you will get beta release notifications and can read the release notes a week ahead of time.

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Developers are adding links to their PRs in the WTH. When released, the thread is closed. You can already see this in a number of the WTHs.

Also, the larger more popular WTHs aren’t small changes. I wouldn’t expect them anytime soon. You’ll see incremental changes over the next years releases in regards to those.