I have often wondered why there is no built-in dashboard in HA. I have been using the Appdaemon dashboards on my wall mounted flat panels for years and they are ok, but unless I want to learn css I am kind of stuck with the obsidian background. The rest of the backgrounds are not worth considering, IMHO…
It would be nice if we had the ability to define the number of rows and colums we need to fill our screen and the place the entities in the grid and they would auto size based on the number of rows/columns we want each to consume. Basically, like the AD dashboard but with the ability to use some of the other button/card types available in HA plus choose whatever background you want without having to write css. Also the dashboards should be full screen, i.e. not look like a webpage, and integrate well into tools like fully kiosk browser.
Thats the only other WTH I can think of. Otherwise, I am a die hard HA fan. It runs everthing in my home include a DIY home security system. Looking forward to future enhancements.