Why is there no binary sensor device class for a gate contact sensor?
We have window and door contact sensor device classes.
Why is there no binary sensor device class for a gate contact sensor?
We have window and door contact sensor device classes.
Gate falls under cover. The iconic L
I am talking about a binary contact sensor to detect the gate position (open / closed) not a control to adjust the gate position. I don’t have a motorised gate, just a contact sensor.
There are door and garage_door classes.
Out of curiosity, what would be the benefit from it? Anything else but the potentially different icons (compared to other classes that translate state to open and close)?
It’s the icons.
you can manually set the icon in the device settings usually.
I think realistically, a gate is just a door that is outside and doesn’t need its own class.
Device classes have different icons for the on and off state. You can’t do that without making a template binary sensor which I do not wish to do.