WTH is there no Home Assistant SkyConnect Z-Wave USB Stick coming?

Just asking…since HA/Nabu Casa has started hardware production.
Would be a nice way to support their effort going all in native.

Disclaimer: I have no idea what I’m talking about

My guess is it has something to do with the tighter control of the z-wave standard compared to zigbee?

However I agree it would be a good next step, since nabu casa has just announced two z-wave specific partnerships with manufacturers.

Neither do I. So I say: cost of certification

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I think you’re probably right. That validation also requires $$$$.

They have said in release parties they hope to get HA and/or Yellow certification at some level, and that it needs to be a whole system. I have to wonder if the Z-Wave hardware isn’t part of that process. My guess is we wouldn’t hear anything about any potential HA branded stick until then (if it ever happens).

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In case you did not heard yet, Nabu Casa is currently developing an officially supported Home Assistant branded Z-Wave Controller USB dongle/stick that is planned to be released later this year:

Uwe leads the development of the Home Assistant Z-Wave stick that we’re working on

Nabu Casa (Home Assistant founders company) have also joined the Z-Wave Alliance and now have plans on certifying the Z-Wave JS driver:

I guess certification will be done using that upcoming official Z-Wave Controller USB dongle/stick on bothHome Assistant Green and Home Assistant Yellow running the latest Home Assistant Operating System version.

So be sure to to sign up to Home Assistant Cloud to sponsor Nabu Casa employees continued development of Home Assistant and Z-Wave JS + allow them to pay for the initial certifications! :wink:

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