What I do miss most in HA is a tool with which checks and/or visualize the linkage between objects. Sort of a parent/child check/visualisation.
Important, for example, if you think that something is now superfluous and you can delete it, although it is unfortunately still needed as input for another object or is perhaps only displayed in the GUI.
At the moment you realize this after having deleted an entity, since something else fails.
Since so a popup in the delete process would be useful to indicate whether you are sure you want to delete the object since it got child object it serves.
Example: a power entity which is used as input for a riemann sum sensor. if yo delete the power entity you end up with a problem.
Getting the hint that the riemann does require the power entity might make you rethink about the delete operation.
Ideally, you would have a kind of tree view of which objects serve as input for other objects. This would also make it easy to recognize whether certain objects are created too laboriously and an unnecessarily large number of intermediate stations were required to create them, which increases the risk of errors as soon as one of them is unavailable.
No, all my entities show their “parent” devices and associated automations. If anything, it’s a bottom-up relationship.
What they don’t show (at least for me) are their “siblings” - other entities under the same device. In the below example, there are 2 other entities (state & switch) which do not show up as related.
This looks like a bug. I checked several entities in my insurance and I always get at least the integration. I haven’t found any that looks like in your example. Is this some kind of leftover after you somehow manually deleted things?
Ah, you are talking specifically about the dashboards, yeah, I guess that one part is not covered in the “related”. I guess there could be a new section there, showing dashboard > view, where this entity is used. Indeed I don’t think this is listed anywhere at the moment.