WTH is there no support for templates (f.ex. at entities) in core dashboard cards?

Right now I have a lot of conditional cards, just to show the media-player that is currently active.
This could be the TV, a WiFi speaker, etc. I use an automation to set the helper value of the media-player I want to show.

It would be so much nicer to just use that helper value as entity, for example:

type: media-control
entity: "{{ states('input_text.current_media_player') }}"

It’s the same for the ‘picture-glance’-card - where it would be nice to control (for example) the camera stream you want to see based on a template - and other cards.

A more generic WTH might be “why don’t all core dashboard cards support templates?”


Would be nice to stop needing to use lovelace-card-templater and lovelace-template-entity-row all over