WTH is there no way to import/export a 'solution'

I would really love a way to import and export a ‘solution’ which is a collection of templates, scripts, helpers, blueprints to be able to re-create a working situation which you need to recreate with different parameters. for example I have schedules and helpers for versatile thermostat for kid #1 and now kid #2 and kid #3 also need these. I now have to recreate all the components by hand for the two kids. Especially with more difficult solutions this would save time and if done correctly could also be shared with other HA users.

Currently the easiest way is keeping a “solution” in a package - yaml-file - which contains a set of template sensors, input helpers, automations, scripts, …
Ofc it can be not a single file - can be a folder with subfolders with yaml files.
And this file/folder should be saved in a dedicated folder inside “/config/” & then imported along with other packages:

  packages: !include_dir_named my_packages

This works for integrations which can be defined in yaml.
Since many integrations are moved to UI w/o being defined in yaml - this approach has some limitations.

Also, these parts of a “solution”:
– related frontend staff like views/cards/decluttering-card-templates/button-card-templates,
– related custom templates (macros),
– related blueprints
have to be stored in corr. places as well.

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