WTH isn't battery level available in the Statistics Graph?

The battery level for all the Mobile App integration’s devices is not available as a displayable entity in the Statistics Graph. I have previously opened a Github issue that never got an answer.

I installed a 3rd party graph card but it shouldn’t be this hard to do. I’m really hoping this gets fixed in this WTH month!

Thanks to all the HA team for the amazing work!

All it needs is to have the following attribute added by the developer:

state_class: measurement

Don’t forget to vote for your own WTH.

Might I suggest you vote for easier LTS config?

From other side, a battery_level info FOR ME has no value in a long-term period.
This info could be useful for devices like “temperature sensor”, “smoke detector” - but for mobile devices it is useless since it depends on a particular owner’s activities (and less on a battery’s degradation).
Means - if battery_level sensors for MobileApp become “LTS-able” - personally me (and probably some other users) will have to set “state_class: none” for them manually.

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