WTH - Manage icon_color via templates

I can change icons to represent different versions of on/off or open/closed via a template, but I would also like to manage color.

Examples I use card_mod to handle today, and I would prefer to make it part of the template entity itself:

  • fan speed (low, medium, high) I use a set of dark, medium, and bright icon colors
  • thresholds and warnings (temperature is higher than desired, but doesn’t merit a notification), I typically set these to orange
  • On picture_element or picture_glance cards, I differentiate the camera controls (doorbell button or recording library select/play/stop) and use white/grey from devices in the area such as a light (on/off coloring)
  • informational: blue
  • I do some other color management specific to monitoring HVAC delta temperatures, those are a bit niche to someone evaluating equipment performance.

Anyway all these (and more) would be covered by having the ability to set icon_color along with icon in templates.