Get a new device discovered message regularly, but nothing is ever there. Click dismiss and then it comes back, WTH!!
We’re going to need details here.
Here is a recent example of the same issue, “New devices discovered” but there is none - Configuration - Home Assistant Community
This is likely a custom integration. You’ll need to figure out what custom integration is causing the issue. Check your logs with debug enabled. Otherwise, I doubt anything will come from this WTH.
For me, it’s usually a neighbour’s device that drops in and out
I understand that if I would see something there to add, but be unable to add it, but nothing is ever there
Any idea what to search for in the logs with debug enabled?
No idea, I haven’t done it myself. It depends on what discovery method is finding the device. There’s sspd, bluetooth, zero_config, and dhcp. It’ll be one of those
Another example from further back, unsolved. I’m not the only one! New devices discovered notifications without any devices showing or ignored - Configuration - Home Assistant Community
Posting examples isn’t going to help. Everything you’ve linked so far is full of people who haven’t searched for the integration in question. Just people saying “why”.
To be clear: This is controlled by the integration. They are what register for discovery. So tracking down the integration is the only way to solve this.
Hoping that others with this same ongoing issue will vote
Maybe I’m not being clear: You can vote all you want, but no one can find the issue if you don’t provide the information. This WTH is dead in the water until someone can provide information to the origin. Other people can’t find it for you either, because we don’t have your system within our reach.
That reddit post btw only has people commenting about integrations they know are generating the newly discovered devices.
Almost every day, I see a Notification “New devices discovered,” but if I click I get no info about it. Perhaps, for whatever reason, that device is no longer online or in range. If I click on the message, I get sent to the Integration screen. Perhaps the device was a Bluetooth toothbrush that is now turned off, or an iTag from someone walking by my house, etc, but who knows?
So my ask is, if I click on the notification give me a little more information about what exactly was seen. I suppose the notification message could also be removed if it’s no longer actionable but I argue it’s better to get the extra info. I could then decide if I want to suppress this notification. If it’s an iTag that was in range, maybe I want to suppress this message for just this particular device or perhaps for all iTags, as an example.
Don’t forget to vote for your own post!
Thanks for the reminder!
I would like the same. The message is afaik not send by the integration who discovered, but from core framework, isn’t it? So I wonder, why there cannot be more input in this message.
In all likelihood, all we have is the information in the current message. The message is sent from one of the discovery integrations, each integration has different information in the discovery message.