WTH no ability to show my refrigerator in energy dashboard

WTH. You put out this awesome energy dashboard where we can put in solar and all this other cool stuff. But when you add a tasmota device that has energy monitoring or any other energy monitoring things. You have to create a template sensor or change the way that device is shown in home assistant so it can show up in the energy dashboard. It should just be able to be added as an entity so you can do tariffs and calculations based off of an individual device. For instance, my refrigerator has an energy monitoring plug on it. If I was able to add that to the energy dashboard, I could see how much my refrigerator is using for the month.

I have many tasmota based energy monitoring devices in my energy dashboard by just adding them in the monitored devices settings.

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That feature is there and works great. I just looked at how much my freezer used for the month. If you can’t figure it out let us know. The missing feature is that it only shows usage but not cost.