WTH: no additional cards in energy dashboard

I have just integrated my electricity counter and everything works fine. With phases, powers, voltages etc. it comes to 15 sensors which is a bit much for my crowded overview board. The rather empty energy board seemed a good place for another card. Seems to be impossible, why?
I have now created an extra board and have two energy themed dashboards where I’d prefer one.

Yep…it is fixed but you can build your own with the same cards…
Energy cards - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

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Sorry, but I only see the preconfigured cards coming with that dashboard. I can’t add my own entities card with all the sensors – and one switch. It adds an update_entity service every five seconds to override the standard two minutes for the three phase powers. I now had to make a separate board for that one card alone. Why?

Oh, sorry, did I misunderstand? did you mean drop the energy dashboard and import its cards into my own dashboard to achieve the desired result? Sounds good, will try.

Kein Thema… and yes.
Tbh I created a whole set of other cards combining e.g. gaz conso with temperature and comparing energy conso between two days. All using (predominantly) Apexcharts. The benefit of these is that you have a driving card for the data/period, which is much less simple to construct for use in Apex