WTH - no area or device card

I have many ways to display an entity in my UI such as Entity, Entities, or Glance. There’s also a myriad of other cards which accept an entity of a specific type by ID and display info about it (media control, picture entity, sensor, etc.). But as far as I can tell there’s no OOTB card for simply displaying an area or a device.

I think there should be a card for area and device given those are the constructs HA wants integrations to use for connecting with the IOT world. A device card at a minimum should convey basic info about the device and probably show each entity of the device in an entities or glance card, maybe with an optional filter. An area card would be similar except showing basic info about the area and the devices contained within (perhaps in a new devices card? Or an enhanced glance card with support for devices?)

What information do you need for a device? We already recommend an entities card with all the device’s entities on the device page

The device page is hidden away in configuration. How do I include devices and/or areas in my lovelace UI dashboards?

The biggest challenge here is that people tend to want to configure things about their devices. It might be a better idea to extend the entities card editor with “fill with area” or “fill with device”

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That could work. I just feel like there needs to be some way for a user to drop a device or area in the UI, whatever that may be. There definitely isn’t a one-size fits all solution. But with the rest of the configuration changing to be organized around devices as the primary object you interact with it seems like the UI should at least allow you to interact with them as well.

Also going beyond this, have you considered enabling developers to provide device UI as part of integrations? Like you’ve shown the automation/script experience can be significantly more approachable when integrations define devices and triggers, conditions and actions for those devices. What if developers could provide UI for those devices as well? Then you could drop in a device and pick one of the defined UIs for that device provided by the integration.

We actually have this on the devices pages :slight_smile:

ohh that’s what @zsarnett meant, duh I get it now. Ok this isn’t as big a deal then although that is a bit hidden away. Might be nice if you could pick a device from the UI editor and have it add an entities card like that instead of needing to know to go to the devices page to get to that option.