WTH, No Hold action on Badges in the UI?

Loving the new badges (yes, Ive found the way to customize them :wink: ) but really missing the option to set both tap_action And hold_action in the UI

please add hold_action to the view badges, so we can tap to get more-info, and hold to navigate to another view (or anything else of course)

  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /ui-settings/security_settings

I’ve set that order of action to all cards in my config, core and custom, but Badges still can not do that.

other reason to add hold_action:
prevent accidental clicking and requiring a hold for the action to perform

making this not only a YAML option, but UI too please
Please add?

Whoa, as in there is a way to finally card_mod them? That would save me from posting my WTH!

haha yes, check this. O and this

So am I right that this doesn’t actually card_mod the badges in their default position, but only if they’re put elsewhere in the dashboard via the custom cards?

not sure what you’re asking, but lets not pollute the WTH with side steps.
please ping me in card-mod thread so we can discuss what ever mod you like ok?