WTH no Sleep/Awake status/option

And yes, of course can I do that with a helper or a dummy-switch but that’s far away from a smart solution and wasted resources because there is already a person-entity.

Sure. you can argue this way… but…
“sleeping” - the person is still ‘at home’
So the “home” state does still fit.

And you do have a routine like this:
“If I plug my Smartphone to the charger at my bed I’m going to sleep. Simple and reliable.”
Others not… so they would need to define other ways on how to swith the state… IF they want to.

So… tbh - there are far more important things I can imagine to be implemented into HomeAssistant… so, I think, you should reflect your wording for some minutes…
Only because it is important for you - it’s not that important for the others…

Which can also be seen here in the Feature requests… 0 votes … still… so the interest doesn’t seem to be that high and this option seems not that important :slight_smile:

So what if you are asleep but not home?
What if you have an automation that sends a good morning message to your phone but you only want this when home, not when you are not home.
It all depends on peoples needs, right? So why make something that might fit a few? Why not make each make their own perfect fit?

What? You want to know if your house is home?
Or do you mean family?
So you want all persons to be part of the house/family? What if someone adds access to a maid or other family, say brother or something?
That means not everyone is home. Again why not create your need? You just need to create a group and your done.
Why do you want developers to put hours in to making something that already exist and possibly won’t be work for people?

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Don’t want to make a big discussion so I make it short:
Yes, I know I can solve this with helpers, templates etc.

My point is:
There is already a person.entity
Why is it not possible to set this entity to another state than home or away?
That’s the whole point, it’s not possible and I don’t understand that. It can’t take hours of programming to allow more then 2 states…

I have found one solution https://philhawthorne.com/making-home-assistants-presence-detection-not-so-binary/

Following this tutorial (What is not working out of the box, I think it’s outdated) I have to create at least 3! entities/sensors/whatever to have an absolutely basic features of a person.entity.
That’s the whole point, it’s unnecessary complicated for an basic feature.

Maybe I’m missing some knowledge about the workflows of HomeAssistant because I’m really new to this but it’s hard to understand for now.

That tutorial is six years old.
I believe you could do it all in a template sensor that is triggered based. But I didn’t read it carefully enough to be sure.

I think you can not add custom attributes to sensors, but I to not know it that works for the person sensors too.

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again… “what’s basic and what’s not” is pretty individual…
And I don’t think, that it’s done with different states for the people entity.

Or - IF this would be done, it needs some rules… which state is “overruling” / “overwriting” other states?
I think - “away” should overwrite “sleeping” - because for automations like thermostats, lights, alarmpanel, the away state is more important…
Sleeping would only be valid, if the person is “at home”… and then, you would need to change ANY automation that is only checking for “is home” to “is home or sleeping”…

it is just not “as simple as that”… there are many things that needs to be considered in such a case.
And for the majority of users, changes here would break existing automations.

So… I still don’t really see the requirement for such things.
If it is something you need, you can do it… all tools are already there…