WTH no "view only" toggle for entities when edit dashboard

some dashboards as stated in one of the recent blogs are used less for control and more for viewing status data so it would be great if the entity card and each entity in the entities card could be set as view only so the you can see the status without accidentally changing the state or value of said entity via the dashboard view

this should apply to all cards, not only entity card.
Right now, my ‘workaround’ for this is to have user-based views, where entities with which you can change settings are not displayed for other people in the house, rather than me.

But also, there are some entities, that are important to monitor for me, but without the option to change anything.
→ view only would prevent to change settings to my Solar-Inverter by just scrolling through the dashboard.

Another option would be: Implement a confirmation dialog “Do you really want to change xyz?”

Entities cards already support this. See: Read only sensor/helper display without templates

Yes, we can use
– “simple-entity”-like rows in Entities card
– card-mod to disable pointer-events & set greyish colors
but anyway this entity (input helper, switch) is “changeable” in more-info…

Not if you follow the instructions I posted in the link above:

    type: simple-entity
    tap_action: none
    hold_action: none

This more-info will still be available from Settings → Entities and other places like History, history-graph etc (any card which shows more-info and which does not have “tap_action” option).

I’m not addressing your hypothetical I am addressing the requested WTH, specifically:

This can already be done.

Yes, agree, this is already possible for Entities card.

This also already exists.

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 20-48-38 Actions - Home Assistant

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but it is not easy to use.
I don’t see a “confirmation” option when I want to change the tap- or hold actions on the card.
Also, it’s not integrated into the feature-set… so if I use the tile card, and change a setting here, a confirmation dialog should be shown.

This could be done via a checkbox / toggle-switch on the card features.

Well, OP meant Entity & Entities cards as Tom reminded…

Please open a new WTH for this. As per the WTH FAQ, one item per WTH and this one has already been answered.

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Is it customary to mark a WTH as “solved”?

I’m waiting for a reply from @bluemonkeysuit07 indicating that they are happy with the answer.

Ok this works. but would be nice if these options were easier to find and implement.
edit to say i tried searching how to do this and the best answer i found was to use a markdown card and template