Read only sensor/helper display without templates

To make a sensor or helper appear as read only in your dashboard: use the simple-entity type option.


Combine this with disabling the more-info pop-up (where it could be edited) and you have a read only entity display. e.g.

type: entities
  - entity: input_number.rain_limit
  - entity: input_datetime.mstr_bed_blanket_on_time
  - type: divider
  - entity: input_number.rain_limit
    type: simple-entity
    tap_action: none
    hold_action: none
  - entity: input_datetime.mstr_bed_blanket_on_time
    type: simple-entity
    tap_action: none
    hold_action: none

Top two entities are editable, bottom two same entities under the divider are not:

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 08-58-52 Administration – Home Assistant


Thanks for the tip and explanation.