WTH are there no visual indicators if Add-ons or Integrations are in use. It would be nice to have a quick way to know if what I’ve added because I saw it recommended one time is actually being used… Unused add-ons/integrations could then be uninstalled, cleaning up the HA instance then.
If an integration is not used to support a device, service, or entity, it will be removed automatically. Look at the integrations page and you will see that all of them have at least one associated device, service, or entity.
Addons are a different beast. Home Assistant does not necessarily know anything about an addon other than if it is running or not. That isn’t really something that can be changed as they are entirely separate applications. You’ll have to go through each one you added and manually remove the ones you don’t want.
Like HACS has Downloaded, New, and Available for download for organization after the new version released… In the Downloaded category, would be nice to have an indication what’s being used. You’re right that Services indicates what is tied to it. Maybe mirror that elsewhere?
I am not understanding your request.
What do you mean by:
How are you defining “in use”? What are you expecting Home Assistant to “mirror elsewhere”?
HACS only install the integrations in the integrations store.
The integration is not used before it is installed from the integration store.
HACS does not have any addons.
The use of an integration might not need any configuration for the most basic features.
Take Spook integration, which can do a lot of configured, but just installing it will automatically enable some features, like repairs.
This makes it hard to detect when an integration is in use.
Addons are like virtual machines running on the HA host.
They might not even have an integration with HA.