WTH Remote Home-Assistant


I am a big fan of the custom component “Remote Home-assistant”:

My system is build of 2 Home Assistant instances tied together by “Remote Home-Assistant”.

  • Instance 1: One Raspeberry Pi 3b running Zigbee, Z-Wave and running small automations to control lighting and all the stuff that should be running 24/7

  • Instance 2: Proxmox server running home assistant. Here I have things like Frigate NVR, Node Red, advanced automations, ESP Home and all other stuff

This allows me to tinker and reboot my proxmox instance without disturbing the rest of the family and my house core functionality.

I just have one small issue with the “Remote Home-Assistant” custom component. It does not give the “remote” entities a unique_id. This gives me a few issues that are hard to fix. Due to this I can not assign the entites to an area (which ruins usage with google home / google assistant)

I have tried to bypass this by creating template sensors mapping all entities, but this is hard work to maintain, and get to work for different Zigbee entities.

Would it be possible to improve “Remote Home-Assistant” or to build the same functionallity into Home Assistant


Take the issue up with the developer. WTH is about core Home Assistant integrations. The development team has no control over how third party integrations work.