WTH Renaming Entities When You Have Identical Devices is Nigh Impossible

  1. Add two (or more!) identical devices. For instance, I have multiple Inovelli ZWave Switches.

  2. HA set entity names to something like: switch.on_off, switch.on_off_2, switch.on_off_3, etc…

  3. Rename the first device - all the enities get renamed accordingly.

  4. Rename the second device - none of the entities match the “pattern” due to the trailing number, so nothing gets renamed.


I just redid my network. I was renaming them one by one to avoid this issue, but, long story short, my names got reset and now I am in this state:

Each one of those has ~100 entities associated with them that I must now go and rename by hand. This is untenable.

Alternatively, if it were easier to change the device name before entities were created/added to HA, that’d be a huge help in avoiding this situation to start with.