Since several months my HA system misses a lot of data from the Sensor Community Airquality measurements. My first opinion is that the timing is very critical. So the issue might be a combination of a slow response of the Sensor Community Website and a critical setup at the HA side.
I put a lot of effort in monitoring the missing data.So I am very certain now, that data is missed while the sensor is working and connected (I did have some issues with that as well), the site is responding and the integration still telling there is no data available. Is it possible to have a look at that?
It also looks that missing data because of timing problems is generating more severe errors and error messages than should be necessary.
I have exactly the same issue.
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Same for me
Have you checked the status of the services?:
As far as I have observed in the past, there are often problems there.
I have this running for my sensor, what bugs me is that the integration is cloud based fetching my sensor information from a server somewhere in the world.
Is there an option to obtain the data directly from the sensor, like in Domoticz?
The device is on LAN so should be a better solution then getting it from the cloud.
Thanks for letting me know, unfortunately I have not the skill to program this in a script…