WTH Single automation for multiple instances of same automation with different devices

I voted the above also. The request seems logical too

No it’s still not clear. If it automatically creates them it does what you want. If you mean “without multiplying them” as in “no entity is created”, that goes against home assistants design. An entity will always be created and requests like this in the past have always gone ignored because the system is designed around the state machine which is what stores your data.

I currently have one custom sensor per area and automation that carries as attributes the related parameters in attributes (hence state).
And one single set of input helpers associated to the attributes (parameters) feeding the sensors/attributes.

This through a custom appdaemon I have programmed.
Which is not ideal
Please check thenimage attacched

Config screen

Then the automation uses trigger.id to differentiate devices entities per area as in a post in this thread

Yes, what you’re describing is helper entities…

Sure. A variant

It’s not a variant, it’s identical to your intention. You’re describing entities that perform specific actions in the automation. That’s the whole point of helpers in general. They are pre-defined entities that have specific settings and ranges that you can use to do anything in HA.

For future reference, the Blueprint Tutorial demonstrates how to create a blueprint and explains its functionality.

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Nevermind. Thank you anyway.
It is evident I am not explaining it well.
I will keep my appdaemon.
Once it is finalized I will share it .
Maybe seeing what it is doing will clarify things.

Once again: I do not want to define parameters times instances helpers.
Just a number equal to instances

Yes, and helpers that are automatically created does that… You won’t define them. They are just created. I don’t see how you can’t understand that. That’s what that WTH is asking for. It’s asking for things to automatically be created for the user without having to define them.

I understand that.
I wrote “fewer helpers”.
For an automation with 7 parameters in a home with 7 rooms that is 7 helpers vs 49 helpers

I hope I explained

And I said…

If you don’t understand that sentence it means:

You aren’t going to get what you want. You’re always going to get an entity.

Also, that’s a separate WTH.


Lastly, automations themselves have the ability to store local variables. However they are not editable after creation.

Ok you are right! Now I UNDERSTAND
Thank you for the constructive debate.
This moves communities forward.
Got it you need a state. Fine

I think you are one of the few that took time to read carefully. This is what I mean: avoid one input helper per blueprint instance

This is Not what I meant

Dude, I’m done describing it. I know what you want, I know the current WTH’s out here. Everything you’re asking for in this WTH is already being asked for in others, or the functionality exists.

I feel too that unfortunately the discussion is getting nowhere and
I know what I am suggesting (not asking, this is an open source project and people that are not contributing kindly suggest, do not ask :-)).

I still think that it is not exactly what has been described (just one person above wrote what I meant) but no problem.
Let’s move on.

My best regards

What you’re asking for isn’t really complicated. I’ve used appdaemon for years. I found that I didn’t need it anymore because I could get what I want with the built in automation engine, and I have very complicated automations. At this point, you’re either being stubborn or you don’t understand my responses. :man_shrugging: