WTH SMS integration to make calls for alarm

SMS integration should make phone calls too.
Even if it’s just a call.
When alarm triggered, a call is more effective than a sms, because a call rings for long time, catching our attention for alarm triggered.

Would be great too if you can set the duration of the call try.

The phone’s need to allow that ability. While I believe that’s possible on android, I know for sure that apple will not let this happen. You can make a shortcut on iOS that does this though.

I am using the Emergency Alert app on my Android phone. It scans incoming SMS for a configurable keyword or rule and then plays an alert sound for as long as you like. Sound and volume are configurable and it can also override if you put your phone on vibration or silent mode.


hmm, I wonder if iOS has something like this. I doubt it TBH, they don’t play nice with automating things like this.

It really annoys me that you simply cant have an automatic automation run with shortcuts. Regardless how you configure it, it still asks “Do you want to run this”. Yes, I do. That’s why I made it an AUTOmation

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TBH, there aren’t many of these kind of apps for Android either. The one above was the only one I could find that was functional and simple, without trackers and that I would trust the permission to ‘read’ my SMS. The developer seems very nice too.

Apple has always been a little more weary to allow things like this. As far as I see it, a simple generic rule engine should be part of the base OS, allowing for true automation without relying on potentially insecure third party apps.

I thought andriod had an app called “Tasker” or something which could basically do anything to the OS

It is, it’s called ‘shortcuts’ and I believe it’s installed by default. But it’s restricted.

Ah too bad :confused:

it’s even more comical because these have an option to not notify you when they run… but it still asks you to run it regardless of that option. I don’t know what the people at apple were smoking when they made this, but I want some of it.


Thanks for reply.
But I mean I want Home Assistant to make the call through the GSM board, using SMS integration or even a new one for calls. But should use the same hardware (GSM board) as the SMS integration.


Altough it depends on a Android app, it’s a possible solution.
I’ll give it a try, and then let you know.

Just tested it and work great. I’ll start using it for having different alerts for other types of notifications. Thanks for the tip.

The only problem is that it depends on an android app.
I really would like that the GSM board SIM800C could make the call and not be dependent on phone OS.
My GSM board:

I approached this problem from with HA itself. If my alarm has been triggered I keep sending the alert notification every minute until the alarm is disarmed or it has run a few times. If I haven’t heard it by the 3rd time I’m either incapacitated or whoever stole my phone is getting super annoyed. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

    - repeat:

          - if:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: alarm_control_panel.master
                state: triggered
              - delay: 60 # seconds between alerts
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ not is_state('alarm_control_panel.master','triggered') or repeat.index == 3 }}"

Full automation here if curious.

But that app looks neat - I’m going to try it out!

I have pretty much the same board. You can program the SIM800 directly to do whatever you want it to do. It supports an extended AT command set. Here’s the official manual. I did this myself for sending me SMS, because I didn’t want to depend on Gammu. Here’s the code. Modifying it to initiate a voice call instead of the SMS is trivial.

That said, I wouldn’t do it if I were you. You can miss the call just as easily as you can miss an SMS. If your phone is on silent for example. You can’t miss the alert from the Emergency Alert app.

Great idea too!

I’ll give a try later. I’m not very confortable with Linux…
And I plan to use Emergency Alert too. And not only for HA sms messages!
But some phones I need to alert are iOS phones…
And even on some Androids I don’t want to force instalation of apps…

In that case @jazzyisj idea is a better approach.

I used an Intent for this (Android phone and Galaxy Watch) When the alarm is triggered a service call in a script sets a timer that goes off in 1 second on my phone. My galaxy watch also picks it up and vibrates. ( I have phone and watch on silent at night) Even when bedtime mode on is on the timer triggers (needs a setting in android)

service: notify.your_android_phone
  message: command_activity
    intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_TIMER
    intent_extras: >-