The Developer Tools > States page often makes the whole app on my phone freeze. And sometimes on a computer browser too.
Already a bug —->
2. Often the Lovelace editing UI on iOS won’t let you select entities from the dropdown to add to cards. If you type them out in full they sometimes “stick” but sometimes don’t.
Thanks! On the first one, it’s a fairly new iPhone but I guess I have a lot of entities. Could it instead just load some of them and then have a “more” button, or load more when you search? At the moment I find if I accidentally click to that page I just get stuck there. Even quitting the app doesn’t fix it as it loads back to that page. That could be another fix, to have the app not load back to it every time.
I have a I5 nuc with 1446 entities and the page takes about 1 second to load on desktop and less than 1 second on my iPhone 12. I’ve also never had a full freeze. So I think this might just be your system?
Ah possibly, I guess I can only raise things I see on my system. I don’t know if anyone else has it happen. Seeing as we have the same system, do you suggest any fix?