The ability to open differant pages and placed in sub tabs along the top. Not so bad on the PC because you can duplicate tabs but on the mobile APP can be long winded to go between settings an dashboards.
This would be really handy since some tasks do seem to require you to go back and forth between different pages quite a bit.
Going one step further, I think it’d be cool if there was also a (collapsible) secondary panel that sits on the right hand side and can be used to view auxilliary information whilst keeping the main content visible in the main area. Both the main area and the secondary panel could have tabs along the top.
To give a concrete example, let’s say you’re working on a dashboard or automation (on desktop where you have a nice big monitor). Often it’s useful to pop over to the developer tools to remind yourself what the ID of an entity is, see what the state is, see which attributes it contains etc. Or maybe use the “Template” devtools to test out a Jinja template. Being able to pop that open on the side and view both things at once without having to keep switching between windows/tabs would be nice.
(P.S. @boathead71 don’t forget to vote for your own post)