WTH there is no option to make an entity the "sum of all consumption"

There would be awesome if you could configure an entity in the energy panel so show it in a separate column in the graphs because it is metering all the consumption of the house, and the other entities are devices or zones of the house.
It would be helpful to easily see what is the general consumption and then the rest of elements in the house.

Duplicate of WTH Why is 'Unmonitored Energy' not a category you can easily enable. Please upvote that one!

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Yes please!

I tried creating a template sensor that add all the devices daily usage for a specific category (ex. office equipment). I can add it to the energy dashboard, but every day, for the first hour, i have a huge spike in the energy usage. It looks like it takes the values from the previous day and add it to the first hour.

I was referring to the other graph:

If we’re able to see, in my case, the darker one, as the whole, or “sum of energies”, and the other ones as the individual elements or rooms, it would help to get a better understanding of what is the global consumption and what elements are consuming it.
Right now I have the cost almost duplicated, because of this.

So I had a little time today and I have designed what I meaned by this.

The graph could show a column, representing the total consumption of the house that an entity has, with another column inside representing the different entities that measure other values.

It would be nice if you can select what entities show in the graph, unchecking a check box.

Also, in the configuration of an entity, could be a check box to select that entity as the one that measure the total consumption of the house:

You can find the Figma file I used to design dish quickly here