WTH there is no support for custom 2FA in mobile

WTH, everything is now about security, so you have added an addiotnal 2FA server (authelia, authentik, google, cloudflare)
These are working well in a web browser but doesn’t work on the apps.
We need a solution for better 2FA, even an option to set a 2FA service in core directly so that every login will be first verified by the external 2FA server.

Similar to WTH - Add support for iOS and Android for Cloudflare Zero Trust but more general

I thought we had 2fa support on android already :thinking:

custom - Currently HA has built in MFA - totp

However in terms of security, although it blocks user to login into your instance if he knows your user and password it does not protect exploits (if there will be any), having an external solution in addition to the built in one increase security since if one is hacked the other still doesn’t.
In addition it allow to use more convenient authentication methods such as push notifications, SSO for all of your apps, etc…

The idea is either to support passing a token or a cookie to another authentication server or allowing some configuration to call another server to verify the login

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is something like this a suitable workaround ?

edit: this works fine for me with authentik on mobile (at least iOS)

Thanks for this link, I might use it, This is similar to what I am looking, just minor cons:

  • It bypass the original HA authentication, would be better to keep HA as a 2nd/3rd factor (this can be easily modified in the component)
  • It is a custom component, until now i have 0 custom components