WTH there is no Timers integration!

Timers integration is missing!

I wish we could set timers with voice or in dashboard. It could be a dedicated icon in side panel.

  • support of multiple timers
  • set timers sound notifications and output speaker
  • icon indicator if timers is enabled
  • pause and cancel timers from the dashboard
  • when you create a timer via voice assistant, the timer should appear in Dashboard immediately.


I would love to see this. Currently I’m using a few to-do lists to organize what I need to do before leaving for the holiday. I currently have food in the oven, the washer, dryer, and a 3D print going. Having a timer integration and view for all of these would be very helpful

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I often set a timer or alarm clock on google nest speaker and it’s annoying that I can’t even see it in google home app :man_facepalming:

Please be more specific in what you want above the existing integration

What I’d like is the ability to add timers/alarms by voice, and get down to.

"Hey, Jarvis, start a timer to tell me to take the cake out of the oven in 40 minutes. "

40 mins later

“Nick take the cake out the oven”

Can we do that now?

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From a timer perspective, I guess you can.
There are even predefined voice timer sentences: Talking to Assist - Sentences starter pack - Home Assistant

For your specific example, idk. You can define your own intents, but idk if you can use “variables” (“take out the cake out of the oven”), yet

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Jarvis, look up the mealie for my venison recipe, and tell me what to do to have it for 10 people on Xmas day.

“Master, what time are you having the Xmas meal?”

Two in the afternoon.

“Master, do you want me to announce alarms for the preparation and cooking?”

Yes please

“Master, you should have marinated the venison yesterday, but it will still work with a shorter marinade time.”

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Soon, soon :smiley:

I saw existing integration, it’s just a helper.

The timer integration aims to simplify automations based on (dynamic) durations.

I want a dedicated section in Dashboard with cool, interactive timers cards or widgets where you can:

  • add timer or multiple timers
  • stop, cancel, resume, delete timers
  • when you create a timer via voice assistant, the timer should appear in Dashboard immediately.

Here is example with multiple timers:

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