WTH there isn't a duration attribute for local calendar events

When using local calendar in automations it would be great to also have a duration attribute in the format [dd:hh:mm]

Rather than just start_time and end_time as it would make it easier to automate


Easier to automate in what way? Typically timestamps are easier to use because you can just trigger at the timestamp.

I.E you can trigger an automation so when the calendar event starts it boosts the central heating and then stops boosting when the event ends. But if the HA instance goes offline or communication with the thermostat fails, then you would be able to pass the event duration from the calendar to the thermostat during the boost action and would automatically stop heating when it was supposed to.
I couldn’t figure it out myself, but if you know of some documentation that tells me or if you are aware of a way to calcule the duration and formatting into “hours:mins:secs” I would appreciate it if you could let me know please.

You can do all that with the calendar trigger.