WTH UI Back button not always jump back to parent

Back button still not behaving ok for a while now: Back Button doesn't work · Issue #17820 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

I think it shouldn’t be linked to browser history ( browser back button is already here for that ) but just always jump to parent section

That’s not considered a bug, so the behavior is considered “correct”. So that issue will never be acted on.

As for your WTH, Yes, it would be nice if it just went back to the parent.

Having to click on it sometime dozen of times to get back can’t be an intentional feature :wink:
There’s many report on this github Issue that should be considered as a bug.

Yes it is. It’s a normal browser back button it has no extra logic. Each action you do in the ui is essentially a new page in the back button sequence.

Keep in mind I’m just passing the information to you. You don’t need to argue me that the behavior isn’t great. I already know it isn’t great. I’m telling you how it works currently and what was chosen to perform the back functionality.

Simply put, its the same as you clicking the back button on a web browser, which was the original intended behavior.

Most efficient WTH ever, a fix has been merged today, for what I could test, problem solved.

Thanks to @MindFreeze :kissing_heart: