Hello, this should be easy to do. Every time I click on the Complements with the intention to open the VSCode integration, my eyes can’t easily find it because the icon is not representative of the tool.
VSCode has the same consistent icon similar to a blue fish. vscode icon which is more representative
It used to be that icon, and the addon used to be called VSCode. However, if I’m informed correctly, HA got a correspondence from Microsoft and after that renamed the add-on and replaced the icon
That’s interesting. I don’t know about the name, but the icon I’m pointing to in me previous email is from wikipedia and should be ok to use according with the IP policy
It had the original VSCode icon & name. I was contacted by Microsoft directly with a friendly request to change that.
This happened some months ago.
The add-on runs code-server, which is built on top of VSCode to make it servable via the web as we do in the add-on.
Now a few months later, it all makes sense, as Microsoft is about to launch its own code-server… an actual vscode server.
Anyways, Microsoft asked me nicely. I had no reason to fight that; nor do I want to get into a fight about it. Hence, I renamed it to what it is actually running.