I have different scenarios depending on the device or the sensor on how to keep data. Some i do not care if it stored, others i what to keep for some days, and others for for long time.
There is no way to manage this on the device configuration, would be great to enable an option on the entity to manage data retention period, or if you want to store or not.
NOTE: I know there are ways to do with script and recorder options, but is really hard to maintain.
I experimented excluding but I don’t want to exclude any domain in fact.
At least have 2 days for some domains and much more for others. I would like some flexibilities without need to go over all entities one by one.
Here my list of domains where sensors is of course the most.
Domain | Count
Assist Satellite | 2
Automation | 110
Binary Sensor | 146
Button | 56
Calendar | 3
Camera | 8
Climate | 5
Conversation | 2
Counter | 5
Cover | 5
Device Tracker | 59
Event | 11
Fan | 1
Group | 3
Image | 6
Input Boolean | 8
Input Button | 14
Input Datetime | 3
Input Number | 8
Input Select | 3
Input Text | 5
Light | 72
Lock | 2
Media Player | 27
Number | 112
Person | 5
Remote | 5
Scene | 75
Schedule | 5
Script | 3
Select | 79
Sensor | 891
Siren | 1
Stt | 1
Sun | 1
Switch | 168
Tag | 8
Text | 13
Time | 2
Timer | 2
Todo | 2
Tts | 1
Update | 141
Vacuum | 2
Wake Word | 1
Weather | 2
Zone | 12